Hi - My name is Audrey. I'm in 8th grade and live in Lake Oswego, OR. I have heard, seen, and read about what happened to George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breona Taylor, and so many other Black Americans, and I wanted to do something about it in our community. I feel very sad and angry because people should not be treated this way; everybody should be treated equally. Martin Luther King Jr. formerly said, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” His compelling words, as well as other black Americans words, have moved people to stand up to racism no matter their skin tone. Currently, there are an abundant amount of thoughts and actions, some harmful, caused by many tragedies in the past and present due to misconception. Many black individuals have passed recently due to police brutality and misinterpretation. As this progresses, many people advocate for black lives to be equal to lives of citizens that have a different skin color. Although a part of society does not believe in the BLM movement, people of all ages need an education and better understanding of what many have to go through each day, including low self-esteem or constant worry.
This website was created to inform people of insightful books about racism, injustice, the LGBTQ community, as well as equality as a whole. These books deal with social justice and equality, discussing racism and the diversity of people.

Then I wanted to take it a step further. I wanted to collect physical books that could be made available to my community. So I built a bench and attached a library box to store these books as part of my Girl Scout Silver Award project. Spark-brary is this collection of books that I curated - a library of books meant to spark thought and action. I selected a variety of books from this website for people of all ages - kids, teens, and adults. I donated the spark-brary to the Lafayette Community Center and the City of Lafayette. It is now located at the Community Center next to the Tot Lot and Burton Valley Elementary for all to enjoy while they are there. Please note that books should not be taken or added. I hope that you will visit it and get inspired to learn more and take action.
For a list of books available in the spark-brary, please click here.
If you visit the spark-brary and enjoy it, or want to help make it even better, please consider donating a book. Click here for more information.